The ultimate goal of every school is the understanding of the students. Every school and its instructors strive to make the students able for the future. The most crucial part of any learning process is the measurement of learning abilities. You cannot know whether your strategies are right or wrong if you are not assessing students from time to time. The assessment of students streamlines your process and makes you struggle for the perfect procedures. Many institutions and instructors think that taking written exams is the only way to examine the student. While written exams hold great significance in measuring the abilities of students, there are other ways too. You also need to use different strategies if you want to assess the learning ability of your students. For accurate and appropriate results, you should consider all procedures. As an instructor, you also need to track which student is regular and which is not. It can hinder their learning ability if the student is not punctual in class. You can use an online attendance management system for tracking the students. Read below the five tactics of assessing students. These are the strategies you need to implement for measuring the learning ability of students.

  1. Open-ended discussions

The problem starts when we limit the students to the written tests only. Know that every student is different and contains diverse mental capabilities. You cannot bound each student and assess them just on the written exams. Open-ended discussions let students talk about their abilities and their way of understanding. When you do not restrict the students, you make them find a way to explore other options. Having a weekly session of open-ended discussions can prove beneficial for the instructor and the students. This way, the instructor will have a view of the mental understanding of their students.

  1. Let them brainstorm

The worst mistake an instructor can commit is by directly reading the topic. An ideal instructor lets the student explore the lesson and then aims at the background information regarding the concept. You have to make sure that the students have an idea of the subject. Let the student brainstorm regarding the topic first and then ask some basic questions regarding the current lecture. Make sure you keep asking questions from the student in the middle of lessons. It is the best way to engage the student in the subject.

  1. Assign to summarize

Students learn well when you ask them to indicate the vital points of the lecture. How students summarize the lesson will give you a rough idea of the understanding level of the student. Know that you are going well with the teaching strategy if your students can pinpoint the exact details.

  1. Group projects

The written exams are not the only indicators of the understanding of students. You need to examine the practical skills of the student to know how well they learn the concept. Make sure you assign a group project to every student. Through group projects, your students can also enhance their social skills.

  1. Reverse teaching

The reverse teaching strategy is the best way to make students learn a topic. In this strategy, you need to swap the roles of instructor and student. You have to assign a particular issue given to each student.